Saturday, July 31, 2010

At last! A deluxe generations Jazz!

I've been waiting a long time for hasbro to release a generations deluxe jazz and now my prayers were answered! Jazz is my most favorite autobot evar! Sadly Michael Bay killed him in the movie. Damn you Michael Bay!

Anyways, for more info and images on the Generations deluxe Jazz and other upcoming transformers toys, here's the link:


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello there!

Heya! Welcome to my realm! This is my first time writing a blog so please don't expect anything spectacular yet. It'll develop in time (it has to!). Anyways, In this blog I'll be posting reviews on video games I've finished playing (on any platform, hopefully), movies I've watched and toys I've collected and played or model kits I've built or modified. My reviews are my personal opinions and views (hmmm...redundancy). I do not endorse any company or developer or publisher or any of those things I don't know the words for. I'm just here to share my views on these things and let you share yours as well and you could also make suggestions on anything from what game I should try playing or what movie I missed watching or what baby food to buy or if I should get a tattoo on the front left cheek of my right foot so that we could understand what life truly means and we could be one with the universe and learn what it's really like to be truly happy! (isn't that great!?) . Ok, enough of that crap. I just hope you guys would have fun reading my posts as much as I had fun writing them. Feel free to put comments on my posts. I don't care if it's a creative critique, profanity or a violent reaction, just put a comment, dammit! Once again, WELCOME!